The world is a beautiful place and when things happen and force us to stop our eyes become more open and aware.

At least I can speak for myself.
We are living in a moment where it's forced us to slow down or even come to a complete stop. At first, I was resistant but then I realized this is the opportune time to get things done on that to-do list and even just pause and reflect on what I want to change in my life. I've always wanted to write a blog and make more time to read ( and look, your reading it LOL). Over and over again I have started something and never had TIME to finish now I've accomplished so much in just a week. My kitchen is organized, bedroom has been overhauled, I've thrown out clothes I've been holding onto, I've gone through my daughter's toys and now I'm working on my business. This is the time to take hold of what is important to you and start doing it. Don't worry about the things you cannot control but be in the moments. Even if its to read a book or just relax just do what feels right for you. Don't get me wrong I'm aware of those who are sick and my heart and prayers are with them. I even got a call last week that my aunt in Jamaica had a stroke and we can't go see her. But in the midst of it I pray and ask God for guidance so that I am still at peace during this time. We have to focus on the positive be there for those around us and be in the moment so that fear doest creep in. Don't allow it to.
Here are a few changes I have made to my day that has been consistent in these times:
1. Waking up at 530 am
2. 15-minute stretch / 15 min quiet meditation
2. 6 am Prayer and devotions
3. Having ginger tea to start my day
4. Start to make breakfast before I wake my kids at 9 am

Yup, none of this had to do with my caption "Still Open for Business" but I'm not only a photographer, but I'm also a daughter, a sister and a friend and especially a mom. I just felt the need to let people know they are not alone in this, we are all feeling anxious and fear but realize we all are in this together (as my Pastor preached this past Sunday). This statement is so true more now than ever so if you need anything at all don't hesitate to reach out. I'm just an email, text, phone call or carrier pigeon away (LOL).
Stay blessed and be safe.